Sunday, April 29, 2012

如何保养眼睛/How to care for your eyes

1. 切忌“目不转睛”,自行注意频密并完整的眨眼动作,经常眨眼可减少眼球暴露于空气中的时间,避免泪液蒸发。

2. 不吹太久的空调,避免座位上有气流吹过,并在座位附近放置茶水,以增加周边的湿度。

3. 多吃各种水果,特别是柑桔类水果,还应多吃绿色蔬菜、粮食、鱼和鸡蛋。多喝水对减轻眼睛干燥也有帮助。

4. 保持良好的生活习惯,睡眠充足,不熬夜。定期做视力检查。

5. 避免长时间连续操作电脑,注意中间休息,通常连续操作1小时,休息5—10分钟。休息时可以看远处或做眼保健操。

6. 保持良好的工作姿势。保持一个最适当的姿势,使双眼平视或轻度向下注视荧光屏,这样可使颈部肌肉轻松,并使眼球暴露于空气中的面积减小到最低。

7. 调整荧光屏距离位置。建议距离为50—70厘米,而荧光屏应略低于眼水平位置10—20厘米,呈15—20度的。

1. Should not staring on the screen for long period. Frequently blinking your eyes, so it can reduce the time of the eye is exposed to air, to avoid the tear evaporation.

2. Avoid air-con blowing around your seat and place the tea in order to increase the humidity of the surrounding seats.

3. Eat a variety of fruits, especially citrus fruits should also eat more green vegetables, grain, fish and eggs. Drink plenty of water also help to relieve dry eyes.

4. Maintain good habits, adequate sleep, do not stay late. Regular having eye examinations.

5. Avoid prolonged continuous operation the computer, take a 5-10 minutes break after 1 hour continuous working. During the rest can seen a far distance view or doing eye exercises.

6. Maintain a good working posture. One of the most appropriate position, to make the eyes look straight or slightly down watching the screen, will give the neck muscles relaxed, and eye exposure to the air in the area reduced to a minimum.

7. Adjust the screen from the position. The recommended distance of 50-70 cm, while the screen should be just below eye level position 10-20 cm was 15-20 degrees.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

戴隐形眼镜如何化妆/ Make up and contact lenses

1. 化妆前及保养前,就要先戴上隐形眼镜。也就是说在洗脸后就戴上。戴上隐形眼镜前,先行喷上美发品。如您戴上隐形眼镜后需要喷用美发品的话,一定要紧闭双眼,并在喷后数秒才可张开眼睛。

2. 卸妆前,先将双手洗干净后再将隐形眼镜取下来。避免隐形眼镜上有沾到油脂,容易引起眼睛的疼痛和发炎,所以手部的清洁极为重要。

3. 使用不含油分及香料的眼部化妆品,有霜质化妆品可能会在镜片上残留一层薄膜。

4. 用粉扑或蜜粉时,要轻轻的按及抹,切勿用力扑打,容易将粉末散开而跑到眼睛中,多余的粉可用较大的刷子慢慢的刷下来。

5. 涂眼影时,可选择液状的眼线或粉状的铅笔眼线,较不会糊掉。把眼线画于眼睛与睫毛之间,而非内眼睑处(睫毛内侧)。

6. 要选择优良的睫毛刷,以不容易脱落的为主,轻轻的刷,小心谨慎,千万别将小刷毛刷掉到眼睛里。

7. 使用睫毛膏时,一根一根的慢慢刷,刷完后不要立刻的眨眨眼,最少在刷完后的十秒后,看看睫毛液是否干了,才再自由的眨眼。把睫毛液涂于睫毛中央处,再扫向尾端,切勿从睫毛根部向上扫。

8. 卸妆前,先行除下隐形眼镜。每天要使用防过敏、不含油分的卸妆液来卸除眼部化妆。

1. Put your lenses in before you put your makeup on

2. Wash your hands thoroughly before you apply your lenses

3. Apply eye shadow and liner gently, so you don't jostle or damage your lenses

4. Use oil-free and fragrance-free eye makeup 

5. Use water-resistant mascara and eyeliner to prevent flaking and smudging

6. Remove your lenses before you remove your eye make-up, remove your eye makeup every day with a hypoallergenic, oil-free remover

Monday, April 23, 2012

Link With What

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