How to provide degree?

Buyer have responsibility to provide actual power.Buyer advised to provide degree format as sample below:

R:SPH -1.00 CYL 0.00 AX 0
L:SPH -3.25 CYL -.025 AX 180

R is RIGHT SIDE, SPH is MYOPIA (RABUN JUAH) -100 degree, CYL is ASTIG (SILAU) none
L is LEFT SIDE, SHP is MYOPIA (RABUN JUAH) -325 degree, CYL is ASTIG (SILAU) -25 degree, and AX is AXIS is 180 degree (Axis is came togather with Astig)

Degree is 25 as 1 unit, eg -0.25, -0.50, -0.75, -1.00, -1.25, -1.50 etc

Buyer to be reminded that NOT provide the degree of provision of computer eye test machine to mooie, it is because the result is only for reference.

The best degree is the degree of existing glasses and computer eye test machine to compare, as long as almost the same degree, then, buyer can remain/ follow the degree of existing glasses.

How to get it the degree of existing glasses?
Buyer can bring along the existing glasses to optical shop, asking for degree of glasses and FREE computer eye test. Then, get the result from them. If buyer do worry, you can go to compare a few optical shops.

For contact lenses wearer, please provide both degree of contact lenses and existing glasses.



R: SPH -1.00 CYL 0.00 AXIS 0
L: SPH -1.75 CYL -0.50 AXIS 155

R 就是右边,SPH是近视100度,CYL是散光0度(没有散光), AXIS是散光线(有散光的一定有散光线!)L 就是左边,SPH是近视175度,CYL是散光50度, AXIS是散光线155度。

度数是以25为一个单位的,那就是 200度,225度,250度,275度和300度。





这张是电脑验眼机得到的数据。这是电脑验眼机的大概数据,不能依照这个数据来配镜。最多可以参考散光线 - AX。

这是电脑验眼机 - Autorefractor Keratometer, 就是需要宝贝们将头放在电脑验眼机前检验眼睛的。记住只能参考度数哦~


这是自动镜片度数测量机 - Auto Lens Meter,只要将镜片放在上面就可以得到镜片的度数。


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